We believe in people, not in technology or processes alone
Our experience is that young ventures need markedly different contributions of expertise and capital, not just to complete the founders’ knowledge. We can bring perspective and can quickly adapt our contributions to their venture, phase, and founder characteristics. For example, a large contribution of expertise can sometimes be done together with a minor investment of capital and sometimes the opposite combination is necessary. Our multi-step process of due diligence with associated investment assessment also help to weigh what input the founder applied for and the needs that we along with the founder decide upon during the assessment and negotiations. The precise nature of these steps helps save resources until a later stage in order to increase the potential return for the founder and financiers.
Investment process
VRTKL has a long-term investment perspective and support our ventures in their efforts to become sustainable companies. As a responsible investor, VRTKL's investment process is thorough and detailed. The investment process can be divided into 5 phases: 1. Identification of new ventures 2. Due diligence 3. Investment 4. Active ownership and support 5. M&A, Exit